EDITORIAL: Panama Papers question China leadership’s legitimacy
(社説)パナマ文書 中国政権の正統性問う
After three years of persistently pursuing a rigorous anti-corruption campaign, the administration of Chinese President Xi Jinping is now facing a serious credibility crisis.
The administration’s drive to clean up the rot within the government and the Communist Party has won public support because the unusually tough crackdown has led to a slew of arrests and indictments of political heavyweights. Many party bigwigs are still under investigation.
But the so-called Panama Papers, or millions of internal documents about hidden wealth leaked from a Panama-based law firm, have implicated some members of China’s most powerful policy body.
The names mentioned in the leaked documents include the husband of Xi’s elder sister and relatives of Liu Yunshan and Zhang Gaoli, two other members of the Communist Party Politburo Standing Committee. They were shareholders in companies registered in overseas tax havens, according to information obtained and made public by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.
The disclosures raised suspicions that the leaders who have been acting as champions of the anti-corruption crusade are corrupt themselves. The leaked documents have cast serious doubt on the administration’s credibility and moral rectitude.
The Panama Papers also cite five relatives of former Chinese leaders including the husband of Mao Tse-tung’s granddaughter.
Chinese authorities have imposed a strict media blackout to block public access to information concerning the Panama Papers.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry has refused to comment on any of the many questions about the topic posed by foreign media.
But the government has been unable to stop the embarrassing facts about top leaders from becoming known widely among the people.
The phrase “husband of an elder sister” has already become fashionable on the Internet.
We have heard a raft of stories about how relatives of Chinese leaders have taken advantage of their positions to win the rights to use state-owned land and made huge profits through real estate investments.
It is unclear whether reported secretive offshore financing is related to such dubious wealth accumulated through abuse of political privileges.
But two things are clear.
One is that people around China’s top leader have amassed amounts of wealth well beyond the imagination of ordinary citizens in the country.
The other is that they have taken the trouble to set up companies in remote offshore tax havens.
Why have they transferred their assets to such companies far away from home? The only plausible explanation is that they were trying to hide their money from Chinese authorities’ oversight.
These leaders deserve to be criticized for putting a higher priority on protecting the profits of their kin than on promoting the nation’s development. That’s at least how Chinese citizens will think about the revelations.
At least three of the seven members of the paramount leadership organ have been implicated.
China lacks a system under which its leaders are chosen through free and fair elections.
If the Communist Party government is to win public support for its rule of the nation, it must ensure that the living standards among the people will keep rising.
If the party’s leaders are working hard to make themselves far richer than citizens, however, the very foundation of the legitimacy of the party’s monopoly on power could be seriously undermined.
The documents that tell sordid stories about relatives of top Chinese leaders are widely available across the world. It is hard to imagine how the Xi administration will be able to get away with this scandal without offering convincing explanations.
EDITORIAL: Attack on TBS TV an act of crude intimidation, not free speech
(社説)TBS批判 まっとうな言論活動か
Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings Inc., operator of the TBS TV station, issued a statement earlier this month concerning an organization that has publicly declared its intention to put pressure on the broadcaster’s sponsors.
Calling itself “an association of television viewers demanding compliance with the Broadcast Law,” the group maintains that TBS’s news reports violate the Broadcast Law, and says it is preparing a “national campaign to alert sponsors.”
In its statement, TBS rebutted: “Fully cognizant of our mission as a news organization to introduce diverse opinions and keep public authorities in check, we autonomously aim for fair and impartial programming.”
The broadcaster stressed, “The (group’s) open declaration of its intent to apply pressure on our sponsors represents a grave threat to freedom of expression and, ultimately, to democracy itself.”
The purpose of the Broadcast Law is to guarantee freedom of expression and encourage the healthy development of democracy. TBS’s comment is fully compatible with the spirit of this law, and we support it.
The viewers’ association has been attacking TBS since last autumn, and it kept track of the airtime the network gave to its coverage of the controversial national security legislation.
After establishing that TBS gave more airtime to reports that were critical of the legislation, the association accused TBS of failing to maintain political neutrality.
But it is the mission of any news organization to examine legislation pushed by the administration of the time, and raise questions and discuss problems. And with something like national security legislation that was of great interest to the public, the network obviously needed to thoroughly report on the issue by airing diverse opinions that differed from the administration’s, including critical views.
As for the matter of putting pressure on broadcasters, a ruling Liberal Democratic Party legislator held a study meeting in June last year, in which a comment was made to the effect, “The most effective way to punish mass media is to cut off revenues from their sponsors.”
Such thinking fully endorses browbeating by political authorities. This is simply unacceptable.
On the other hand, viewers are free to criticize TV programs, and broadcasters must humbly heed such complaints. However, what the viewers’ association has done is arbitrarily interpret the Broadcast Law and attempt to systematically manipulate the public into joining the “cause.”
In its statement, the association notified TBS that unless the latter “responds with sincerity,” a proposal will be sent to its sponsors to prevent them from becoming “accomplices” in “illegal broadcasting that negatively impacts society.”
The association also stated its intention to recruit volunteers online and “take further action as needed,” depending on the sponsors’ response.
This is applying pressure, pure and simple.
There are many ways to complain about TV programs, including taking the complaints to the Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization. And yet, the viewers’ association remains focused on forcing TBS to change its reporting stance by hitting its revenue source--namely, the sponsors. Such a tactic cannot possibly constitute an exercise of the right to free speech.
Should any autonomous broadcaster become incapable of continuing to provide fair and unbiased reporting and keeping public authorities in check, the public loses.
The media must reconfirm the heavy responsibility they bear to protect the public’s right to know.
G-7 Hiroshima Declaration must help achieve the total abolition of N-arms
G7外相会合 広島宣言を核廃絶に生かそう
It is highly significant that the Group of Seven major powers — including the three nuclear powers of the United States, Britain and France — issued a clear message to pursue the eradication of nuclear weapons, doing so from a city flattened by the atomic bomb.
The G-7 adopted the Hiroshima Declaration on Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation at its foreign ministers’ meeting in Hiroshima.
“The people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki experienced immense devastation and human suffering,” the declaration says. To work toward a world without nuclear weapons, the declaration calls on political leaders and other people to visit the two cities. It also calls for promoting dialogue between nuclear weapon states and nonnuclear-weapon states and enhancing transparency regarding nuclear arms.
Last year’s Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference fell apart due to confrontations between participating countries. Japan, as the only country hit by an atomic bombing, has the mission of leading nuclear disarmament efforts. Based on the Hiroshima Declaration, Japan should strive to restructure the international cooperative regime on nuclear non-proliferation.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Monday became the first incumbent U.S. cabinet member to visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. He laid a wreath at the cenotaph for victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Commenting on the tour of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Kerry said, “I don’t see how anyone could forget the images ... of what happened.”
Opinions that dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was justified are still strong in the United States. Kerry’s visit to Hiroshima must be used as a step toward closing the gap in perception of nuclear weapons between Japan and the United States.
Self-restraint urged
The G-7 foreign ministers also adopted a Statement on Maritime Security, which is based on the assessment that tensions have been mounting in the South China Sea.
The statement, though without pointing fingers at China, “urges all states to refrain from such actions as land reclamations ... as well as their use for military purposes.”
China has been accelerating attempts to change the status quo by force, reclaiming man-made islands and pushing ahead with militarilization on them.
It is significant that not only Japan and the United States, but also the G-7 as a whole, collectively recognized the seriousness of the security situation in the region. In cooperation with Southeast Asian nations, the G-7 must tenaciously call on China to refrain from self-serving actions.
The statement also emphasized the importance of settling maritime disputes in accordance with international law, including arbitration. This could serve as a warning to China, which has refused to settle a territorial dispute with the Philippines at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague.
The G-7 foreign ministers agreed to lead global efforts to deal with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant extremist group.
To prevent terrorism, it is necessary to take multilateral approaches such as sharing information, imposing stricter immigration controls and taking measures against the financing of terrorism.
More concrete antiterrorism measures should be put forth at the Ise-Shima G-7 summit to be held late next month.
The G-7 foreign ministers released a joint communique condemning “in the strongest terms” the nuclear test and ballistic missile launches conducted by North Korea. It is essential for the international community to strictly implement the U.N. Security Council resolution adopted in March on sanctions against North Korea, thereby ramping up pressure on the country.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 12, 2016)
EDITORIAL: Amari long overdue to explain himself in cash scandal
(社説)甘利氏の疑惑 説明責任はどうなった
The special investigation department of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office has opened a compulsory investigation into the scandal over cash received by Akira Amari, former minister in charge of economic revitalization, and by one of his former aides.
A politician or an aide receiving profits in exchange for favors would violate the Law on Punishment of Public Officials’ Profiting by Exerting Influence.
The nature of the 6 million yen ($55,600), which Amari and his former aide received from a construction company based in Chiba Prefecture, remains unclear.
Amari said he believes the money represented political donations with no reciprocal nature. But a man in charge of general affairs at the construction company has said the money was intended as remuneration for the intervention of the former aide and others in the company’s compensation talks with the semipublic Urban Renaissance Agency (UR). The company later received compensation payments from the UR.
While the arguments on both sides remain far apart, it would be inexcusable for a politician or aide to receive money and exert influence on government offices or other entities at the request of the donor.
The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office should do its best to uncover the entire picture of what took place.
It should not be forgotten that Amari himself has yet to fulfill his accountability. A lawmaker, who represents the people, has the responsibility to explain himself to the public whenever he comes under suspicion without waiting for investigators to uncover the case.
When he announced his resignation from the Cabinet at a news conference in late January, Amari did promise to “continue to have the case investigated by a lawyer and publish the results at appropriate timing.”
Some other politicians who came under suspicion over fund-raising irregularities in the past defended themselves by saying, for example, that they had no way to determine the facts because documents had been seized by authorities.
But Amari had two-and-a-half months to look into the case after his resignation. He should be able to publish findings, even an interim report, from the investigation.
Much remains unknown about the entire scandal, including whether Amari himself was involved in the case.
Amari said during the news conference in January that he had learned only recently that his former aide had been talking to the UR. But UR officials later said they had been told by the former aide that Amari was aware of the talks.
Opposition parties want Amari summoned to the Lower House Budget Committee as an unsworn witness to dig out the truth. But the ruling Liberal Democratic Party has refused.
Amari has been absent from Diet sessions, citing health problems. He may be unable to come forward on his own to explain himself, but he could still have lawyers, for example, speak on his behalf.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also bears heavy responsibility.
Abe, who appointed Amari to key Cabinet positions, has admitted to his own responsibility for having appointed him.
If that is the case, the prime minister should urge Amari to explain himself. In addition, Abe, who is also the LDP president, should instruct the party to have Amari fulfill his accountability in some form or other.
EDITORIAL: G-7 in Hiroshima a chance to move closer toward nuke-free future
(社説)広島外相会合 核なき未来への一歩に
The gathering in Hiroshima of top diplomats of the Group of Seven major industrialized nations, which include three nuclear powers, sends a powerful message as the world struggles to make progress toward a future without nuclear arms.
The foreign ministers of the United States, Britain and France, as well as Japan and the three other G-7 members, will meet in Hiroshima, the first city to be leveled by an atomic bomb, on April 10 and 11.
On the sidelines of their meeting in Hiroshima, the G-7 foreign ministers will visit the Peace Memorial Park, dedicated to the city's 1945 atomic bombing, and lay flowers at the Cenotaph for the A-bomb Victims on April 11.
Their pilgrimages to the city should breathe new life into international efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons.
They are also expected to visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. Their tour of the museum that documents the consequences of the U.S. atomic bombing would be even more meaningful if they hold talks with A-bomb survivors and hear their harrowing tales.
The G-7 officials traveling to Hiroshima include U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, the Obama administration's top Cabinet member.
Kerry will be the highest-ranking active U.S. politician to visit Hiroshima after Nancy Pelosi, who went in 2008 as the speaker of the House of Representatives.
More than 200,000 people perished in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Many Americans, however, regard the attacks as justifiable, arguing that they accelerated Japan’s surrender in World War II and thereby saved many lives.
Despite serious differences between Japan and the United States in perceptions over history, President Barack Obama agreed to Japan’s request for Kerry to visit Hiroshima. We applaud Obama's weighty political decision.
We are inclined to regard the decision as a sign that Obama, whose term will expire in January, is still committed to working toward “a world without nuclear weapons,” the vision he announced to the world in his historic speech in Prague in 2009.
The Obama administration sent its ambassador to Japan to most of the annual ceremonies to commemorate the atomic bombings that have been held in Hiroshima and Nagasaki since 2010.
Last year, the administration sent Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller to attend the ceremonies.
In Japan, expectations are growing that Obama himself will travel to the A-bombed cities when he visits Japan in May to attend the G-7 summit, to be held in Shima, Mie Prefecture.
In the United States, the political climate is heating up as the races for the Democratic and Republican nominations for the autumn presidential election are entering the home stretch.
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has been delivering a range of harsh verbal attacks on Obama’s foreign policy.
Chances are that Kerry will avoid making any remarks that could be interpreted as an apology to Japan out of fears that such a comment could have a political impact on the election.
But we nevertheless welcome Kerry’s decision to stand in front of the cenotaph in Hiroshima. We urge Obama to give serious consideration to visiting the cities as well.
Even after seven decades, there are still many people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki who lost loved ones in the bombings and are suffering form health problems caused by radiation exposure.
Because they have a strong desire not to see anyone suffer the same fate, people in the two cities are pinning great hopes on the visits by Kerry and other political leaders.
We are eager to see people in countries with nuclear arsenals think seriously about ways to bring the world closer toward a future without nuclear weapons, something that Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been praying for so strongly and for so long.
The G-7 foreign ministers’ visits to Hiroshima should not be allowed to end up as mere ritual. They should be a first step in effective efforts to create new momentum in international politics for realizing that goal.
Reinforce international cooperation to eliminate offshore evasion of taxes
パナマ文書流出 課税逃れ防ぐ国際連携強めよ
The leak of documents revealing the use of tax havens by world political leaders is sending shockwaves around the globe.
The so-called Panama Papers show that a great number of politicians — as well as their families, relatives and aides — have connections to offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean Sea and other tax havens. The long list of names contains former and current world leaders.
In tax havens, tax rates are set at very low levels, prompting companies and wealthy individuals to use them to reduce tax payments. They are also known for their negative aspects, including being hotbeds for illicit activities such as tax evasion, money laundering and window dressing.
Even if their involvement in tax havens is not illegal, world leaders can be held morally responsible for avoiding tax obligations in their countries, where they should have paid taxes in the first place. They must provide explanations for every tiny detail.
The documents are called the “Panama Papers” because they came from a law firm in Panama. After being obtained by the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung, they are now receiving multifaceted scrutiny from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.
Iceland’s Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson was forced to resign for not disclosing ownership of an offshore company, and British Prime Minister David Cameron has his back against the wall after admitting he had invested in a Panamanian trust set up by his late father.
China response questionable
Judicial authorities in European and Latin American countries, including Germany and Panama, have begun investigations to determine if there were any legal violations connected to the scandal. As a matter of course, it is important to bring any tax evasion or other illicit activities to light. It is also essential that the international community make concerted efforts to make tax havens more transparent.
Last year, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Group of 20 countries and regions compiled international rules to prevent multinational corporations from evading taxes under the name of fictitious business deals.
From the viewpoint of preventing money laundering and tax evasion, it is important to urge tax haven countries and regions to cooperate to establish such effective measures as sharing bank account information.
The response of China to the Panama Papers is questionable. The names of relatives of three top Communist Party leaders — including President Xi Jinping —emerged in the papers. The Xi administration not only flatly refused to offer any explanations but also tightened control on the Internet in an attempt to contain the spread of information.
China is the chair of this year’s G-20 summit and as such, it should take a leading role on measures against tax evasion. Given that, shouldn’t the behavior of China be considered inappropriate?
Russian President Vladimir Putin also faces suspicion in connection with financial transactions conducted by a friend. The Russian president put forth a conspiracy theory, saying, “They are attempting to rock us.” But that is unpersuasive.
Tax evasion measures will be a key agenda item at the Ise-Shima Group of Seven summit meeting to be held in Japan. The G-7 nations should come up with a clear message on this issue.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 9, 2016)
LDP, DP must find common ground in reforming lower house elections
衆院選制度改革 自公と民進はなお歩み寄れ
The legislature has a duty to correct the vote-value disparity in House of Representatives elections, which (the Supreme Court ruled) are in a state of unconstitutionality. Both the ruling and opposition parties should realize without fail the reform of the electoral system during the current Diet session.
Lower house Speaker Tadamori Oshima held talks with representatives of each party and asked the Liberal Democratic Party and the Democratic Party (Minshinto, DP) to quickly submit their bills to revise the Public Offices Election Law and other relevant laws, and to form a conclusion on electoral reform by the end of the current Diet session.
In other words, Oshima has for now relinquished his attempt to combine the ideas of all the parties to reform the lower house election system.
The election system is the foundation of democracy. Because of its nature, the system should be reviewed based on a broad consensus. It is regrettable that the ruling party and main opposition party are taking different approaches to the reform.
Komeito has decided to support the LDP’s reform plan. The LDP-sponsored bills will probably be submitted to the Diet next week and are likely to be enacted during the current Diet session. However, the ruling and opposition parties should continue until the last moment their efforts to find common ground.
The plans drawn up by the ruling and opposition parties both adopt the Adams’ method to reallocate lower house seats to single-seat constituencies in prefectures around the country. However, the LDP’s plan introduces it after a national census to be held in 2020, while the DP would introduce it immediately based on results of the 2010 census.
The Adams’ method would keep the vote-value gap within 2 to 1, a ratio prescribed as fundamental in the Law for the Council on the House of Representatives Electoral District.
The method pays due consideration to prefectures with small populations by allocating lower house seats to them in a relatively generous manner.
Seat reduction questionable
Since the Adams’ method is an essential part of the report submitted by a panel of experts on the electoral system reform to the lower house speaker, it is a matter of course to stipulate it in concerned bills.
If lower house seats are reallocated based on results of the 2010 census, their numbers will be “plus seven and minus 13.” In other words, a total of seven seats would be added in Tokyo and four prefectures, and one seat would be taken from each of 13 prefectures. The LDP is trying to delay the introduction of the Adams’ method, apparently aiming to avoid opposition by lawmakers elected from prefectures where the number of seats will decrease.
The LDP’s plan reduces six lower house seats based on results of the simplified census conducted in 2015, and also reviews the demarcation of electoral districts around the country. Its implementation would mean that the demarcation of electoral districts could be changed twice in some areas, when it goes into effect and after the introduction of the Adams’ method.
Some observers point out that it might harm the stability of the election system and ties between lawmakers and voters.
It is questionable why both plans have included a reduction in the number of lower house seats. They each reduce a total of six seats from single-seat constituencies and four from the proportional representation section.
If the number of seats is reduced, it will become more difficult to choose lawmakers representing a wide variety of public opinion, and it might lessen the legislature’s ability to monitor the administration. It is worth noting that Japan has relatively fewer Diet members than those in European countries in relation to its population.
Parties also must deepen discussions on the adverse effects of reducing the number of lower house seats without being caught by their own rhetoric, namely their public pledges to sacrifice their own interests and reduce the number of Diet seats.
Since transition to the new electoral system is likely to require more than a year due to the need to review the demarcation of electoral districts and publicize the relevant bills to voters after they are enacted, the ruling and opposition parties must hasten deliberations.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 8, 2016)
EDITORIAL: Abe must not be allowed to rush Diet approval of TPP accord
(社説)TPPと国会 承認ありきは許されぬ
The Lower House has started deliberating a draft approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) accord and a bill to revise all 11 related laws.
Ever since the World Trade Organization fell into dysfunction, bilateral and multilateral agreements on free trade and economic cooperation have propelled market liberalization.
The TPP, in particular, has 12 signatories from the Asia-Pacific region, which leads the global economy, and their combined gross domestic product represents 40 percent of the world total. Japan, which continues to languish under sluggish economic growth, pins considerable hopes on what this accord could bring.
The TPP is called a “21st century-type” accord because it covers matters concerning intellectual property, the environment and labor, in addition to the elimination and reduction of tariffs and the liberalization of capital investment. But since the accord is expected to affect many industry sectors and the people’s lives in all sorts of ways, grave concerns and questions have been raised, not to mention stiff opposition.
The Diet, which represents the people, has the responsibility to address these concerns through debate. We hope each political party will base its stance and proposals on the protection of consumer interests.
One disturbing factor is the unmistakable eagerness of the government and the ruling coalition to approve the TPP during the current Diet session.
All TPP 12 signatories signed the accord in February, but each country must secure the approval of its national assembly and complete all necessary procedures for the accord to take effect. Under the TPP rules, the completion of such procedures by the United States and Japan--the two leading nations--is indispensable.
But the United States is currently in the middle of its primaries season, and the front-runner presidential candidates--both Democratic and Republican--are negative toward the TPP. The prevalent thinking in America is that Congress will not approve the accord until after election day in November.
The administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe positions the TPP as one of the pillars of its “Abenomics” economic policy. The prime minister enthuses, “Japan will take the lead to speed up the accord’s approval.” But hasty Diet deliberations must not be allowed.
And if Abe is hoping to quickly settle this matter in view of the Upper House election this summer and the possibility of holding a Lower House election on the same day, he has his priorities completely wrong.
The main opposition Democratic Party is poised to focus on issues related to the reduction and elimination of tariffs on farm and fisheries products.
Three years ago, the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Committee of the Upper House as well as the Lower House voted to ensure careful handling of this matter regarding rice and four other items of greatest importance. But the Democratic Party must refrain from obsessing on whether these five items are protected under the TPP accord. The party must try not to lose sight of the big picture.
Ample information is necessary to ensure thorough discussions. The government has finally agreed to disclose records of meetings between U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman and Akira Amari, former minister in charge of TPP negotiations, but the documents have been extensively blacked out. The government must do its best to disclose information.
We also demand anew that Amari explain the bribery suspicion he is under. If this is difficult now because of his poor health, this is all the more reason not to rush into approving the TPP accord.
EDITORIAL: BOJ should reconsider aggressive easing policy three years after its implementation
(社説)異次元緩和3年 限界認め、軌道修正を
Three long years have passed since the Bank of Japan, under the leadership of Governor Haruhiko Kuroda, launched its “different dimension” policy of aggressive monetary expansion.
The new program started as a short-term, turbocharged effort to achieve the central bank’s policy goals within two years. The deadline passed and another full year has gone by, but the central bank has yet to hit its inflation target of 2 percent.
While the BOJ has repeatedly pushed back the target date, negative effects of the radical monetary easing policy have started making themselves felt. The risks it poses to Japan’s overall economic health are steadily growing.
The BOJ should now change tack instead of enhancing and expanding this risky approach.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s pro-growth economic policy, known as Abenomics, is composed of three “arrows,” or key components. They are bold monetary easing, flexible fiscal spending and a growth strategy designed to stimulate private-sector investment.
The Abe administration has unveiled “new three arrows” focused on measures to support nursing care and child care. But the basic framework of its economic policy agenda has remained unchanged.
The second and third arrows of Abe's original blueprint are nothing new. Most of his predecessors tried to boost the economy through fiscal stimulus packages comprising massive government spending and new plans to put the economy on an upward trajectory.
The first arrow, the extraordinary program to expand the money supply, is the unique feature of Abenomics that constitutes its core.
Under this program, the BOJ buys huge amounts of government bonds to flood the economy with liquidity and thereby guides long-term interest rates to historically low levels.
Abe selected Kuroda as the central bank chief to preside over such unprecedented monetary expansion. This move, made under the slogan of “escape from deflation,” is aimed at putting the onus solely on the central bank’s monetary policy, which doesn’t impose a new financial burden on the public immediately.
Initially, many economists praised Abenomics as a successful policy effort because it led to a weaker yen and higher stock prices. As a result, Japanese companies, especially export-oriented manufacturers, notched record earnings, which translated into pay growth, to a certain extent.
But the benefits of Abenomics were overestimated in a sense. When the Abe administration was inaugurated at the end of 2012, the yen had already started falling against the dollar and the euro, which had strengthened due to recovery of the U.S. economy and the defused debt crisis in Europe.
The upturn of the global economy was setting the stage for a stock market rally. Abenomics mainly served as a catalyst that caused these factors to start kicking in.
Many economists point out that Abenomics has produced far fewer benefits for small and midsize businesses and most workers than the gains enjoyed by large companies and well-to-do individual investors.
The policy has failed to produce so-called “trickle-down effects,” which mean increased wealth in one sector of the economy produces benefits for other sectors as well. Japanese people’s real income has barely grown.
Japan’s real economic growth in the past three years has been by and large slower than during the previous government led by the then-Democratic Party of Japan. Abe’s economic policy program has not given any big boost to the real economy in terms of growth in consumer spending or business investment.
When the BOJ made another radical move to ramp up the money supply in February by introducing negative interest rates for part of commercial banks’ reserves at the central bank, the unwanted side effects became more pronounced.
Due partly to deteriorating economic conditions in many other countries, Japan’s stock and currency markets have been fluctuating wildly since then.
The negative interest rate policy has hit the earnings of financial institutions by reducing their profit margins and cast a pall over the long-term prospects of pension funds management.
Still, the BOJ has remained optimistic about the effectiveness of its monetary policy. It has kept claiming it can achieve the inflation target since it still has abundant policy options to use.
Last year, speaking at an international conference, Kuroda referred to a passage in the story of Peter Pan saying, “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it,” and said, “Yes, what we need is a positive attitude and conviction.”
His “different dimension” monetary policy plays on people’s expectations. The idea is that if the BOJ sets a specific inflation target and promises to take every possible step to achieve it both businesses and consumers will start spending their money because of their inflationary expectations.
In fact, however, the inflation rate has remained around zero due partly to lower prices of oil and other energy resources. The BOJ’s policy has not awakened inflationary expectations.
The BOJ seems to have avoided admitting this fact because of concerns about dousing expectations for rising prices. If so, the central bank has gotten caught in a trap it has created itself.
The BOJ already owns more than 30 percent of the government bonds outstanding, and this rate will keep rising.
If the central bank starts financing the government’s debt through its bond-purchasing program, fiscal discipline could collapse, triggering tumbles of government bond prices and the yen’s value.
The longer the BOJ continues prolonging and expanding its aggressive monetary policy, the bigger the risk for the Japanese economy.
The central banks, including the BOJ, are guaranteed independence from the governments of their countries to ensure that they will not serve as policy tools of the governments. If they allow their actions to be dictated by the government, the public will have to pay the price for their distorted and misguided monetary policies.
The BOJ should ask itself whether it is acting as an agent for the government.
The Abe administration has started considering additional measures to stoke economic growth, including a supplementary budget. There are also rumors that the administration is considering another postponement of the scheduled hike of the consumption tax rate to 10 percent.
The government would be acting in a grossly irresponsible manner if it takes such fiscal policy measures that apparently assume that the BOJ will continue purchasing government bonds.
The government needs to start taking steps to restore a healthy and sustainable fiscal policy with an eye to future generations.
At the same time, the government should tackle structural reforms to ensure economic growth driven by private-sector investment and consumption. These are what the administration should do.
To prompt the government to embark on such sound policy efforts, the BOJ needs to explain the limitations of the effects of its radical monetary policy more clearly and in more detail to the administration.
That would be a good first step toward correcting problems with its policy stance, which is excessively biased toward monetary easing.
Joint public-private efforts essential to deter terrorists attacking G-7 summit
サミットとテロ 官民一体で脅威を封じ込めよ
Given the increasing threat posed by international terrorism, all possible measures must be taken to deter acts of violence.
Less than two months are left before the Ise-Shima Summit of the Group of Seven major powers, which will be held on May 26-27 in Mie Prefecture. A series of G-7 ministerial meetings is scheduled to be held in various parts of the country, starting with a foreign ministerial conference that opens in Hiroshima on Sunday.
Antiterrorism measures will likely be the major topic of discussions at the upcoming summit. It would be no surprise if terrorists regard the summit itself as a suitable target. This is the sixth time for Japan to host the summit, and it will be held under circumstances in which the danger of terrorism is felt more realistically than ever.
First of all, it is vital to keep terrorists from entering this country.
In December, the government inaugurated the Counterterrorism Unit-Japan at the initiative of the Prime Minister’s Office. To determine the moves of overseas extremist groups and block the entry of suspicious individuals at the nation’s borders, it is indispensable to ramp up cooperation with foreign organizations.
Preparing against cyber-attacks is also important. Strict management of systems are needed especially for such key infrastructures as power supply and transportation networks.
It is necessary to keep a constant lookout for home-grown terrorism. Even in Japan, there are more than a few young people who have expressed support on the Internet for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant extremist group. The contents of their posts must be examined to nip potential crimes in the bud.
Enhance security
Needless to say, it is essential to raise the proficiency of security at the venue on the assumption that terrorists will furtively reach the site.
The land routes to Kashikojima island, the venue for the G-7 summit, are limited to two bridges, which may be advantageous in terms of ensuring security.
On the other hand, it is a cause of concern that there are many places for terrorists to conceal themselves, including rafts used for pearl-culturing and bushes on the island.
During the Gleneagles Summit in 2005, London, which was 600 kilometers away, became the target of multiple attacks. Strong concern has been expressed about the possibility of terrorist attacks committed in Tokyo and elsewhere this time.
Attacks have occurred one after another across the globe, aiming at such soft targets as theaters and stadiums where many people from all walks of life gather. It would be impossible to protect such facilities in Japan using police forces alone.
If visitors to a venue notice something out of the ordinary, they must quickly inform the authorities concerned. The operator of the facilities should cooperate to ensure security by carrying out thorough inspections of hand baggage and taking other measures.
Various international events, including the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, are scheduled to be hosted by Japan after the summit. Countermeasures must be beefed up from the medium- and long-term perspective.
It would be worthwhile studying the introduction of a system of issuing alert levels against terrorism like those issued in the case of volcanic eruptions.
In-depth discussions also should be held on the advisability of easing the requirements to allow wiretapping and making conspiracy a crime.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 5, 2016)
[ はじめに ]
[ 名前 ]
松井 清 (スラチャイ)
[ 略歴 ]
・99/10 タイ全土を旅行
・00/10 タイに移住
・03/07 カイちゃん誕生
・07/06 シーファーちゃん誕生
[ 座右の銘 ]
Slow and steady wins the race.
[ 学習の手引き ]
・Think in English.
[ English Newspapers ]
Japan Times
Washington Post
Newyork Times
Bangkok Post
The Nations
Phuket Gazette
[ 英字新聞の英和対訳学習 ]
[ スラチャイ編集の辞書 ]
01 あいさつ
02 別れのあいさつ
03 声をかけるとき
04 感謝の言葉と答え方
05 謝罪の言葉と答え方
06 聞き直すとき
07 相手の言うことがわからないとき
08 うまく言えないとき
09 一般的なあいづち
10 よくわからないときの返事
11 強めのあいづち
12 自分について述べるとき
13 相手のことを尋ねるとき
14 頼みごとをするとき
15 申し出・依頼を断るとき
16 許可を求めるとき
17 説明してもらうとき
18 確認を求めるとき
19 状況を知りたいとき
20 値段の尋ね方と断り方
21 急いでもらいたいとき
22 待ってもらいたいとき
23 日時・場所・天候を尋ねるとき
24 その他
01 あいさつ
02 別れのあいさつ
03 声をかけるとき
04 感謝の言葉と答え方
05 謝罪の言葉と答え方
06 聞き直すとき
07 相手の言うことがわからないとき
08 うまく言えないとき
09 一般的なあいづち
10 よくわからないときの返事
11 強めのあいづち
12 自分について述べるとき
13 相手のことを尋ねるとき
14 頼みごとをするとき
15 申し出・依頼を断るとき
16 許可を求めるとき
17 説明してもらうとき
18 確認を求めるとき
19 状況を知りたいとき
20 値段の尋ね方と断り方
21 急いでもらいたいとき
22 待ってもらいたいとき
23 日時・場所・天候を尋ねるとき
24 その他
01 雨の日にも傘をささないタイ人
02 勉強熱心なタイ人女性たち
03 タイ人は敬謙な仏教徒
04 タイの市場
05 タイの食堂
06 タイ人は外食が大好き
07 果物王国タイランド
08 タイ人の誕生日
09 タイの電話代は高い
10 微笑みの国タイランド