

--The Asahi Shimbun, April 21
EDITORIAL: 40-year rule for nuclear reactors on verge of being a dead letter
(社説)原発40年規制 早くも骨抜きなのか

The 40-year lifespan for nuclear reactors, established after the catastrophic accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in 2011, is now in danger of being watered down to irrelevance.
The rule requires the decommissioning of aging reactors, starting with the oldest, for a gradual, carefully controlled process of phasing out nuclear power generation in this country.

The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) on April 20 formally decided that the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors at Kansai Electric Power Co.’s Takahama nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture, which have been in service for over 40 years, meet new nuclear safety standards introduced after the devastating 2011 accident.

This is the first license renewal for a reactor that has been in operation for more than four decades under the new standards.

If they pass the remaining regulatory inspections concerning technical details by the July deadline, the reactors will likely continue to generate electricity for two more decades.

The 40-year lifespan provision was introduced through a revision to the law after the Fukushima disaster.

Just one service life extension of up to 20 years is allowed, but only as an “extremely exceptional” measure.

This exception was made to avoid a shortage of electricity. But concerns about any serious power crunch have virtually dissipated thanks to a marked rise in levels of power and energy conservation in society.

The NRA’s formal decision to extend the life of the two aging reactors came amid a series of earthquakes rocking central Kyushu around Kumamoto Prefecture which have been described by the Japan Meteorological Agency as “a deviation from the rules extracted from past experiences.”

Many Japanese are concerned that the quakes could affect Kyushu Electric Power’s Sendai nuclear plant in neighboring Kagoshima Prefecture. The NRA’s decision to grant an exception to the rule so quickly could have the effect of relaxing the safety standards and deepening public distrust of the government’s nuclear regulation.

The Abe administration is leaving all licensing decisions on individual reactors entirely to the NRA. But it has mapped out a long-term energy supply plan based on the assumption that the service life of reactors will be extended.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who repeatedly pledged to lower Japan’s dependence on nuclear power as much as possible, has been changing his stance little by little without announcing any clear policy shift.

The NRA’s mission is to enhance the safety of nuclear plants from a scientific viewpoint.
But the way the nuclear watchdog assessed the safety of the reactors at the Takahama plant has raised questions about its appropriateness. The NRA has, for instance, allowed Kansai Electric Power to delay required quake resistance tests.

If it has scheduled its assessment work in a way to ensure that the July deadline will be met, the agency has got its priorities completely wrong.

A troubling situation is now emerging where decisions on whether to decommission specific reactors are effectively left to the utilities that operate them. As a result, these decisions are being based primarily on whether extending the life of the reactors will pay.

Operating many nuclear reactors in Japan, a small country with a large population that is highly prone to earthquakes and other natural disasters, inevitably entails a large risk.

This grim reality was the starting point for the reform of the nuclear power policy prompted by the Fukushima accident.

If the government sticks to the policy of maintaining nuclear power generation, the burden on society, including the costs of disposing of nuclear waste, could increase over the long term.

There is a clear global trend toward raising energy self-sufficiency through efforts to develop renewable energy sources.

A transition period may be necessary. But the only policy that makes sense is to shut down reactors steadily over a period of years.

The 40-year rule is one of the key principles of this policy. The government should remember this fact.
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Osprey aircraft prove valuable in earthquake relief operations
自衛隊熊本支援 オスプレイの活用は効果的だ

The Self-Defense Forces have mobilized more than 20,000 personnel to carry out rescue and relief operations for victims of the Kumamoto Earthquake.

The operations are difficult, and rescuers face dangers from secondary disasters such as aftershocks and landslides caused by heavy rains. But we know they will make their utmost efforts as they engage in the operations.

The Defense Ministry has set up a joint task force of the Air, Ground and Maritime Self-Defense Forces. The task force is based at the GSDF’s Western Army Headquarters in Kumamoto. About 120 aircraft, mainly helicopters, and 10 transport and other vessels have been dispatched to the task force.

The SDF personnel engage in such activities as searching for missing people, transporting the sick and injured and providing meals and water. SDF personnel are transporting food and daily necessities directly to evacuation centers and other locations to cover the lack of manpower at local governments.

The SDF is a self-sustaining organization, providing its own food, clothing and shelter. Due to lessons learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, the SDF has enhanced telecommunication and other equipment and strengthened cooperation with local governments through disaster-response drills.

In the wake of the latest disaster, the SDF dispatched liaison personnel to relevant local governments, including the Kumamoto and Oita prefectural governments, and this action has facilitated the relief operation. To prevent duplication of efforts with local governments and police, proper sharing of tasks is crucial.

U.S. cooperation appreciated

We would like to acknowledge the unreserved cooperation of U.S. forces, which follows Operation Tomodachi in the wake of the 2011 Tohoku disaster.

Based on the Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation Guidelines — which were renewed in April last year — the SDF and the U.S. forces have set up a joint coordination center at the SDF’s task headquarters. The coordination center is now serving as the control tower of rescue operations.

The U.S. forces dispatched four Osprey transport aircraft belonging to Futenma Air Station. The Ospreys shuttled back and forth to carry drinking water, food, blankets, portable toilets and other supplies to Kumamoto Prefecture’s Minami-Aso, a village isolated due to the collapse of a national highway, playing a very important role in sustaining the daily lives of many evacuees.

Compared to conventional transport helicopters, the Osprey has great superiority in its maximum speed, payload and range. Also, it has been pointed out that the Osprey’s ability to operate in mountainous areas because of its ability to take off and land vertically makes it useful for disaster response.

The opposition parties have criticized the use of Ospreys in relief operations — an act totally incomprehensible. Saying there are concerns over the safety of the aircraft, former Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Kazuhiro Haraguchi of the Democratic Party (Minshinto) said: “People who are taking refuge are worried. We thank the U.S. Forces for their cooperation, but we want them to stop.”

However, the risk of serious accidents involving the Osprey is lower than that of other U.S. military aircraft. It has a successful track record in relief operations after a typhoon in the Philippines and the recent earthquake in Nepal. If Ospreys had not been used for the latest earthquake, provision of supplies could have been stalled, creating greater anxiety for the disaster victims.

The Ground Self-Defense Force plans to introduce 17 Ospreys by fiscal 2018 to be based in Saga Airport. The conjecture that the use of Ospreys in the Kumamoto relief operation may have been an effort to smooth the way for the Saga deployment should be rejected.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 23, 2016)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
As families wait, expedite efforts to retrieve remains of war dead
戦没者遺骨収集 遺族の思いを汲んで速やかに

Seventy years have passed since World War II ended, and the families of Japan’s war dead are growing older. Efforts to find and retrieve remains of those who died in countries far from home must be accelerated.

This month, a law to promote collection of the remains of the war dead came into force. The law’s main points are that it clearly positions retrieval of these remains as “the responsibility of the state,” and sets a nine-year period starting from this fiscal year as an intensive implemen-tation period for government efforts to find and repatriate remains.

The law requires the government to collect remains systematically and effectively. The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry set aside ¥2.1 billion from this fiscal year’s budget to cover costs associated with this undertaking.

Returning remains to Japan has not progressed as well as hoped. Of 2.4 million Japanese who died on foreign battlefields or in Siberian internment camps after the war, the remains of 1.13 million still rest at sites overseas. In the past 10 years, the government has collected only 28,000 sets of remains.

Many people are dissatisfied with the ministry’s efforts, saying they are “not well planned.”

The law was passed as legislation was proposed by lawmakers cooperating across party lines. We applaud the fact that the law promotes attempts to make up for the inadequacy revealed in efforts to date. We hope putting the law into effect will add momentum to the collection of remains.

Bumps in the road

An especially important element of the law is the stipulation that greater efforts will be made to study documents stored at public records offices and other facilities overseas to collect information regarding where Japanese war dead are buried. It is clear that the conventional method of relying on the memories and other information provided by fellow soldiers has its limits.

Spelling out that the health, labor and welfare minister will work closely with the foreign minister and other ministers to ensure smooth progress in negotiations with governments of nations where remains lie is also an appropriate measure.

In 2011, it was revealed that remains collected in the Philippines by a nonprofit organization commissioned by the welfare ministry had been mixed with remains of people other than Japanese soldiers.

Reflecting on this, the new law says the government will designate a public corporation as a task force to handle collection of the remains. The new corporation is scheduled to be set up by people involved in groups for families of the war dead. The welfare ministry will establish an expert panel to check progress in these activities.

The government will soon settle on a basic plan encompassing these specific policies, and will launch it this fiscal year. The new structure must function effectively.

Many problems remain unaddressed. Because DNA examinations are essential for identifying remains, the government is working on a database of samples that can be tested. We hope a system in which these samples can be smoothly compared with DNA provided by relatives will quickly be put in place.

About 230,000 sets of remains still lie in China, where remains cannot be collected because anti-Japan sentiment has hampered this operation, and North Korea, a nation with which Japan does not have diplomatic relations. At present, there is no timeframe for when remains might be collected from these countries.

Families are ardently waiting for remains to be returned home. With their feelings in mind, we request that every possible effort be made to realize their wishes.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 22, 2016)
--The Asahi Shimbun, April 21
EDITORIAL: Kyushu quake exposes potential safety problem for Shinkansen
(社説)新幹線脱線 地震対策の総点検を

The powerful earthquake in Kyushu has exposed a potential weakness of Japan’s reputed Shinkansen technology by disrupting operations of the Kyushu Shinkansen Line.

An out-of-service bullet train carrying no passengers derailed about 1.3 kilometers south of JR Kumamoto Station following the earthquake that rocked southern Japan on April 14.
Kyushu Railway Co. (JR Kyushu) has also found damaged Shinkansen facilities at about 150 locations, including cracks in elevated bridges and fallen parts of noise-blocking walls.

JR Kyushu on April 20 resumed operations on a section of the Shinkansen line between Shin-Minamata Station in Kumamoto Prefecture and Kagoshima-Chuo Station in Kagoshima Prefecture. But there is no telling when the company can restart operations on the remaining northern portion from Shin-Minamata Station to Hakata Station in Fukuoka.

This is the third derailment caused by an earthquake in the Shinkansen’s history of over half a century, following one in 2004 caused by the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake and one in 2011 triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

The Kyushu Shinkansen train ran off the rails after the nighttime April 14 quake, which measured a maximum 7 on the Japanese intensity scale in Mashiki.

The violent shaking derailed all six cars of the train, which was running at a speed of around 80 kph. Fortunately, no passengers were on the train, and the driver was not injured.

If the train were carrying passengers at a higher speed, however, it could have been a major disaster.

Safety should be the absolute top priority for Shinkansen operations, which carry large number of passengers at very high speeds.

The derailment should prompt all JR companies offering Shinkansen services to make sweeping reviews of their bullet train systems and operations to secure greater safety.

Shinkansen lines are equipped with a system to detect preliminary tremors and stop the trains. However, as the Kumamoto accident shows, this system doesn’t work when earthquakes occur close to the lines.

Since this problem was exposed by the Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake, JR companies have been taking steps to prevent quakes from causing derailments.

JR Kyushu has been working to install “derailment prevention guards” for 55 km of the Kyushu Shinkansen Line, or slightly over 10 percent of both the inbound and outbound bullet train lines.

The guard is designed to prevent the wheels from veering off the track by sandwiching them with the rail. The company has already installed the guards on 48 km of the planned sections.

The project covers sections in areas over active faults. But the accident site was not covered.

JR companies have made their own decisions on which sections of their Shinkansen lines should be protected by anti-derailment guards. Their decisions are based on estimates of the risks of severe quakes.

Central Japan Railway (JR Tokai) decided to install the guards for 596 km, or 60 percent, of the Tokaido Shinkansen Line. The company has already finished work for 360 km under the project.

On the Sanyo Shinkansen Line, operated by West Japan Railway Co. (JR West), the protection guards had been installed on 110 km as of the end of last year. JR West plans to extend the protected sections by another 110 km.

East Japan Railway Co. and Hokkaido Railway Co. are installing different types of anti-derailment systems on their Shinkansen lines.

The Kumamoto earthquake underscores the risk of a huge destructive force occurring at unexpected locations directly below urban areas.

The JR companies should seek opinions of experts to reassess the effectiveness of their current plans to protect their Shinkansen lines from such quakes.

Derailment prevention systems are costly, requiring hundreds of millions of yen per kilometer. In addition, work to install such systems can only be done around midnight when the service is off.
But the JR companies should try to figure out ways to implement their plans ahead of schedule.

The 2011 earthquake damaged poles supporting overhead electric lines beside the tracks.

This time, a chimney of a plant located along the Shinkansen line fell and blocked the rails.

Giant quakes always create unexpected problems. All we can do is glean all possible lessons from each big quake and make steady efforts to enhance safety.
April 17, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Discrimination destroys the heart
香山リカのココロの万華鏡 :差別は心を破壊する /東京

Rika Kayama (Mainichi)

Japan's ruling parties have submitted a bill to the current Diet session aiming to eliminate hate speech. On the Ministry of Justice's website, hate speech is defined as "discriminatory language and actions that reject the people of a particular ethnic group or nationality." Saying, "I don't like that person because they are mean," is simple badmouthing, but saying, "Get out of Japan, people of (such-and-such a country)" or, "The people of (such-and-such an ethnic group) are inferior" is hate speech.

Unfortunately, in recent years this kind of speech has been dispersed not only over the Internet, but on Japan's streets.

Hate speech is a problem around the world, but Japan has lagged in responding to the issue. The ruling parties are now rising up to legislate measures against hate speech, and I'm all for celebrating this.

However, I still have worries. Under the ruling parties' bill, hate speech is considered "improper, discriminatory language and behavior that encourage the removal of people born in countries or territories outside Japan who are living lawfully." Of course language and actions falling under this definition are unforgivable, but hate speech in Japan is not only directed at "people born in countries or territories outside Japan."

For example, as someone from Hokkaido, I immediately think of the Ainu. The Ainu continue to be discriminated against in both employment and marriage, and it is not uncommon for them to be forced into an economically difficult lifestyle. Furthermore, lately there has been an increase in heartless comments directed at the Ainu, particularly online. There are even people who deny their existence, saying, "The Ainu people don't exist anymore."

Under the ruling parties' bill, the Ainu, who are Japan-born Japanese nationals, are not considered targets of hate speech. The bill is to be debated in the House of Councillors from here on, but I hope it can somehow be expanded to include "discrimination against any ethnic group or race."

Regardless, how can people say things like "get out" or "get lost" to their fellow humans in the first place? Why are the completely natural ideas that "discrimination is bad" and "everyone has human rights" no longer being followed? It's a shame that we must make a law to stop this, but since hate speech is actually being used widely, legal restrictions are unavoidable.

I have also had a patient come to my consultation room who was emotionally hurt by seeing a rally involving hate speech. I want people to remember that discrimination destroys the heart.

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Expedite freeze on oil production levels to stabilize crude prices
産油国会合不調 価格安定へ増産凍結を急げ

Oil ministers of major oil-producing countries, including Saudi Arabia and Russia, at a meeting on Sunday put off reaching an agreement on freezing oil output levels.

In a bid to stem the decline in crude oil prices, they had aimed to freeze oil output at January levels. As Saudi Arabia was angered by the absence of Iran, which has indicated it would increase production, the ministers put off reaching an accord.

They are said to continue negotiating intermittently until the next meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries scheduled in June.

Slumping crude oil prices not only have an adverse impact on the economies of oil-producing countries but also are risk factors for oil-consuming countries and the rest of the world.

When combined, the crude oil output of the 18 countries that participated in the meeting accounts for half the world’s production. Major oil-producing countries must expedite their efforts in building a consensus on specific measures to stabilize oil prices, including freezing production levels.

Following the failure by oil-rich countries to agree to freeze production levels, crude oil futures, which had been traded in the lower half of the $40 range per barrel on the U.S. market, fell further to the upper half of the $30 range.

Fearing that further declines in crude prices may cause turmoil in financial markets, investors have taken a risk-avoidance stance, causing the yen to strengthen and stock prices to decline on the Tokyo market.

For Japan, an oil-consuming country, a decline in crude oil prices would usually have a positive effect, but at the current time, the situation is different. We must not underestimate the possible negative impact on the Japanese economy when the pace of its economic recovery has been sluggish.

Saudi-Iran rivalry

Oil-producing countries with tight fiscal situations may accelerate their moves to pull their oil money out of financial markets, causing stocks to plunge around the world. Such doubts and fears show signs of spreading. Strict observation of market trends in the days ahead is needed.

Behind the failure of oil-producing countries to reach an accord is a tug-of-war for hegemony in the Middle East between Saudi Arabia, which refers to itself as the leader of Sunni Muslim nations, and Iran, a major Shiite-dominated country.

Their confrontation has intensified as the two countries severed diplomatic ties in January following Saudi Arabia’s execution of a prominent Shiite cleric.

Saudi Arabia is strongly resistant to any agreement that would favor its rival Iran. Meanwhile, Iran can hardly go along with freezing output levels as the country has just begun increasing its production following the lifting in January of economic sanctions imposed by the United States and European countries over Tehran’s nuclear development.

It will not be easy to untangle the complex factors that are blocking an accord on freezing oil output. The roles Russia and the United States play are important as they are major oil-producing countries outside the Middle East.

Due to falling crude prices, Russia is suffering from negative economic growth as the country has been hit by the ruble’s sharp decline and high inflation. Meanwhile, the United States has seen the profit margins of its shale oil wells fall. While taking heed of the impacts on their own economies, Russia and the United States should press Saudi Arabia and Iran to reach some kind of compromise.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 19, 2016)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
To stabilize global economy, G-20 needs to strengthen coordination
G20と世界経済 政策協調の実効性が問われる

Each country is being tested in its efforts to strengthen coordination in implementing the crucial policies needed to stabilize the global economy.

The Group of 20 finance ministers and central bank governors reiterated during a recent meeting their determination to employ all policy tools, such as fiscal and monetary policies, as well as structural reforms.

Expressing concern over the prospects of the world economy, a communique said, “However, growth remains modest and uneven, and downside risks and uncertainties to the global outlook persist ...”

While the financial market is becoming calmer, the G-20 reaffirmed the importance of coordination without relaxing its vigilance. We believe this is appropriate.

However, the G-20 is not a monolith, as the situations in each country differ.

While the United States pointed out the effectiveness of an agile fiscal policy, Germany remained cautious on this stance.

Deflationary concerns are growing over the European economy. To prop it up, it may be effective for countries with fiscal leeway to start expanding their expenditures.

The communique also expressed the intention of avoiding competitive currency devaluation. “We reiterate that excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates can have adverse implications for economic and financial stability,” it says. A similar phrase was used in the previous meeting.

Overcoming differences key

Japan deems that the legitimacy of a new dimension of monetary easing has been acknowledged, and its market intervention to deal with the rapid rise in the yen has won understanding.

Because of a possible slowdown in the pace of additional interest rate increases in the United States, there is concern that the yen may rise further in the future. At a press conference after the G-20 financial leaders meeting, Finance Minister Taro Aso stressed, “Taking necessary action against exchange rate movements is in line with the G-20 agreement.”

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, however, attempted to curb Japan’s moves to guide the yen’s value lower, saying, “Despite recent yen appreciation, foreign exchange markets remain orderly.” This is because Lew is wary that the yen’s slide against the dollar could lead to a drop in U.S. exports and worsening employment.

Unless developed countries strengthen their coordination by overcoming differences in their intentions, market stabilization will be far from certain.

The G-20 also hammered out a policy of strengthening measures to stop excessive tax saving. This is based on the fact that the Panama Papers, which exposed a situation in which money is being salted away in tax havens, has become a global issue.

One cannot ignore that companies and wealthy people possessing huge assets pay too little tax, although this is not a clearly illegal act. The G-20’s direction of building an international cooperation framework to close tax loopholes is appropriate.

It is hoped the G-20 will closely exchange information and strive to craft more effective rules to also deal swiftly with new methods of avoiding taxes.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 18, 2016)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Prepare environment to promote mutual visits between Abe, Putin
日露外相会談 首脳往来の環境を整備したい

Continuing high-level talks with Russia is essential in order to make progress on the issue of the northern territories. Persistent effort is the key.

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida met with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, in Tokyo on Friday. The two agreed to prepare for a summit meeting in Russia’s southern city of Sochi in early May.

At a joint press conference, Kishida referred to the issue of the northern territories, saying: “We had a positive discussion aimed at formulating a solution acceptable to both sides, which I believe will bring momentum to the negotiations.”

Lavrov responded by saying that Moscow is ready to continue dialogue with Tokyo. Compared with the stubborn attitude he showed after his September meeting with Kishida — Lavrov at that time unilaterally denied that they had even discussed the northern territories at the meeting — we can say that the Russian minister was more flexible this time.

The atmosphere surrounding the diplomacy between Tokyo and Moscow is not bad. Since autumn, the two countries have held repeated exchanges between lawmakers as well as talks between senior government officials.

Russian President Vladimir Putin embraced Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s envisaged visit to Sochi. He told reporters that Japan is making efforts to maintain its relationship with Russia “despite U.S.-centered pressure.” Putin added that the two countries will be able to find middle ground on the territorial issue someday.

Strong willpower needed

Of course, it is too early to say that Moscow has shifted to a softer approach on territorial issues.

In an interview with certain media ahead of his visit to Japan, Lavrov said the 1956 Japan-Soviet Joint Declaration does not say that the territorial dispute will be discussed during negotiations on the envisioned peace treaty.

The remarks contradict past agreements between Japan and Russia, such as the 2001 Irkutsk Statement, which states that settling the territorial jurisdiction of the four islands off Hokkaido is a precondition to concluding a peace treaty. Lavrov’s remarks cannot be accepted. Moscow should remember that Putin himself signed the Irkutsk Statement.

Abe and Putin will have to have strong willpower and be decisive in resolving the territorial dispute.

The tenure of both leaders ends in 2018. We urge both governments to materialize the Russian president’s visit to Japan after Abe’s trip to Russia. It is important to seek a path toward reaching an agreement on the issue by exchanging mutual visits. We urge the government to steadily and strategically prepare the way for fostering the needed environment.

At the same time, it is important not to disrupt the unity of the Group of Seven developed nations.

U.S. President Barack Obama has confronted Putin over the Ukranian conflict. Obama expressed concern over Abe’s envisaged Sochi visit during a telephone discussion in February, asking him to postpone it. Abe countered: “A peace treaty issue with Russia is also important. We must continue dialogue with Russia.”

Earlier this month, Abe held a meeting with Ukranian President Petro Poroshenko, pledging to continue financial support to the country.

It is essential for the government to explain Japan’s standpoint of simultaneously working on the two issues — easing the Ukranian conflict and making progress in Japan-Russia relations — to the United States and European countries to obtain their understanding before Japan hosts the G-7 Ise-Shima Summit meeting in May.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 17, 2016)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Stay alert to N. Korea’s attempts to miniaturize nuclear warheads
北ミサイル失敗 核搭載の脅威に警戒を怠るな

The self-serving stance of the North Korean regime led by Kim Jong Un, which has continued to make dangerous provocations in total defiance of international criticism, has become more pronounced.

North Korea launched a missile from an area on its coast facing the Sea of Japan, but it failed. It is highly possible that it was a test-firing of a new type of medium-range ballistic missile named Musudan. There is information that the missile exploded as it rose skyward.

If the precision of North Korea’s launching technology improves through repeated test-firings, it would enhance its surprise attack capabilities because such missiles are fired from mobile launch pads that are difficult to detect. Countries concerned must not neglect the need to stay alert regarding the progress of North Korea’s military technology.

Resolutions on sanctions that have been repeatedly adopted by the U.N. Security Council against North Korea ban any type of launch using ballistic missile technology. It cannot be overlooked that North Korea has repeatedly violated the resolutions since it conducted a nuclear test in January.

Kim claimed in early March that his country had succeeded in miniaturizing nuclear warheads. He is apparently trying to rattle the three countries of Japan, the United States and South Korea by flaunting technology for missiles on which nuclear warheads can be mounted.

North Korea in mid-March defiantly launched a Nodong medium-range ballistic missile capable of reaching most parts of Japan.

With a longer range than the Nodong type, it is estimated that the Musudan missile has a range of up to 4,000 kilometers.

Realistic threats loom

If the missile test-fired this time was a Musudan type, North Korea’s purpose is to be able to target U.S. forces in Japan and Guam. B-52 strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons are deployed at the U.S. military base in Guam. The U.S. military dispatched a B-52 from the Guam base to fly over South Korea after North Korea conducted a nuclear test in January.

Should Pyongyang successfully test-fire a Musudan missile, the threat that it can launch nuclear attacks on U.S. bases in the Asia-Pacific region would become reality.

The latest missile launch by North Korea was conducted on Friday, the birthday of Kim Jong Un’s grandfather Kim Il Sung — an important, commemorative day for the country. North Korea’s expectations of enhancing national prestige could not be met due to the failed test-firing.

The Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea is scheduled to convene in early May for the first time in 36 years. Preparations are in full swing, including holding meetings to select delegates to the congress. Rodong Sinmun, an organ of the WPK, praised Kim Jong Un, saying he has lifted North Korea to the first rank of nuclear powers.

It is assumed Kim Jong Un will resort to further military provocations in an attempt to enhance his own prestige. It was natural for Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga to say that Japan “will gather and analyze information and respond, while acting in concert firmly with the United States and South Korea.”

To prepare for new North Korean provocations, such as a fifth nuclear test and an additional missile test-firing, it is essential that Japan strengthen surveillance in close cooperation with Washington and Seoul.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 16, 2016)
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Defeat of South Korean ruling party musn’t derail cooperation over North
韓国与党敗北 対「北」連携へ悪影響避けたい

The political base of South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who has one year and 10 months left in her term, has been shaken to its core.

This is a development that raises concerns about the possible negative impact on South Korea’s policies toward North Korea and Tokyo-Seoul ties.

In South Korea’s parliamentary election, the ruling conservative Saenuri Party suffered a devastating defeat and lost its majority in the National Assembly. The main opposition Minjoo Party of Korea, a left-leaning party that favors a conciliatory stance toward North Korea, made significant gains and is now the largest party in the assembly. The People’s Party, a new party, also picked up many seats.

A South Korean president serves one five-year term and cannot be reelected. When an administration enters the latter half of its term, it normally becomes a lame duck. A further decline in its unifying force is unavoidable.

The direct cause of the ruling party’s defeat was an internal conflict prior to the election that caused many people to lose trust in the party. Discord between lawmakers close to Park and lawmakers in an anti-Park group who want to keep their distance from her resulted in a split election, as some anti-Park lawmakers who were denied official nominations ran as independents.

The Park administration’s failure to produce any notable results on the economic front also affected the election. Due to the economic slowdown in China and other factors, South Korea’s exports have fallen and growth has been tepid. The rising unemployment rate, especially among young people, has become a social problem.

Park will have to increasingly request opposition parties’ cooperation to pass bills seeking to reenergize the economy, and on other issues. Running her administration will become more difficult.

Stick to ‘comfort women’ deal

Park has an obligation to deal with North Korea’s repeated provocations, such as its nuclear tests and launches of long-range ballistic missiles.

South Korea has quite appropriately adopted a hard-line approach to North Korea, such as by slapping its own sanctions on Pyongyang in addition to those imposed by the United Nations. Halting operations at the Kaesong industrial complex will be effective in severing a source of funds for the administration of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Criticism from opposition parties that these steps are excessive is unfair.

To prevent North Korea from committing any reckless acts, it is essential for Seoul to strengthen its alliance with Washington and continue to discuss the deployment of a sophisticated U.S. missile defense system in South Korea.

Some observers have suggested the opposition party’s victory will make it harder to conclude a General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) that is being discussed by Japan and South Korea. However, the importance of cooperation between Japan, the United States and South Korea must not be forgotten.

What will happen to efforts aimed at implementing the Japan-South Korea deal on so-called comfort women, which was realized at the end of last year, is a cause for concern.

South Korea is obliged to establish a foundation that will provide support to former comfort women. South Korea has also promised to make efforts to remove a statue of a girl symbolizing comfort women set up in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul. Japan has demanded that this statue be removed.

Deep-rooted opposition to this deal remains in South Korea. Although the comfort women issue did not become a major point of contention in the election, the Minjoo Party of Korea called in its campaign promises for the withdrawal and renegotiation of the deal.

We will watch carefully and hope Park will not be swayed by such pressure, and that she implements the deal to improve Japan-South Korea relations.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 15, 2016)
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[ 名前 ]
松井 清 (スラチャイ)

[ 略歴 ]
・99/10 タイ全土を旅行
・00/10 タイに移住
・03/07 カイちゃん誕生
・07/06 シーファーちゃん誕生

[ 座右の銘 ]
Slow and steady wins the race.

[ 学習の手引き ]
・Think in English.

[ English Newspapers ]
Japan Times
Washington Post
Newyork Times
Bangkok Post
The Nations
Phuket Gazette

[ 英字新聞の英和対訳学習 ]

[ スラチャイ編集の辞書 ]

affiliate b 1

ブログでお小遣い 無料サンプルも


01 あいさつ
02 別れのあいさつ
03 声をかけるとき
04 感謝の言葉と答え方
05 謝罪の言葉と答え方
06 聞き直すとき
07 相手の言うことがわからないとき
08 うまく言えないとき
09 一般的なあいづち
10 よくわからないときの返事
11 強めのあいづち
12 自分について述べるとき
13 相手のことを尋ねるとき
14 頼みごとをするとき
15 申し出・依頼を断るとき
16 許可を求めるとき
17 説明してもらうとき
18 確認を求めるとき
19 状況を知りたいとき
20 値段の尋ね方と断り方
21 急いでもらいたいとき
22 待ってもらいたいとき
23 日時・場所・天候を尋ねるとき
24 その他

01 あいさつ
02 別れのあいさつ
03 声をかけるとき
04 感謝の言葉と答え方
05 謝罪の言葉と答え方
06 聞き直すとき
07 相手の言うことがわからないとき
08 うまく言えないとき
09 一般的なあいづち
10 よくわからないときの返事
11 強めのあいづち
12 自分について述べるとき
13 相手のことを尋ねるとき
14 頼みごとをするとき
15 申し出・依頼を断るとき
16 許可を求めるとき
17 説明してもらうとき
18 確認を求めるとき
19 状況を知りたいとき
20 値段の尋ね方と断り方
21 急いでもらいたいとき
22 待ってもらいたいとき
23 日時・場所・天候を尋ねるとき
24 その他

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