(Aug. 7, 2008) The Yomiuri Shimbun
Gyoza revelation puts onus on China
ギョーザ事件 「混入元」はやっぱり中国だった(8月7日付・読売社説)
Now that China's stubborn insistence that frozen gyoza dumplings were not contaminated in China has been toppled, the Japanese side might rightly be thinking, "It's just as we thought."
It was found that, after the food poisonings occurred in Japan involving the China-made frozen gyoza, Chinese who ate the frozen dumplings made by Tianyang Food--the Chinese manufacturer linked to the Japanese poisonings--suffered food poisoning caused by the organic phosphorus pesticide methamidophos.
organic phosphorus pesticide=勇気リン酸系殺虫剤
With this in mind, there can be little doubt that the poisoned gyoza in Japan were contaminated in China.
(この事実からして、日本で販売された毒入り餃子が中国国内で毒物を混入され可能性は少ない?←この部分はスラチャイが翻訳しました。日本語原文にこのセンテンスに対応する部分がみあたりませんでしたので。 in China ではなくて、in Japan ではないかと思われます。 in China と書かれると意味が矛盾するのではないでしょうか? by srachai 英語のエキスパートのヘルプをお願いします)
According to sources, just before the Group of Eight summit meeting in Toyakocho, Hokkaido, in July, China informed Japan through diplomatic channels of the poisoning in China.
In the Japanese poisonings, the pesticide also was detected from inside unopened packages of frozen gyoza. In spite of this, China had insisted the possibility that the pesticide contamination happened within China was extremely low--suggesting that the contamination occurred in Japan.
But now China itself has given Japan facts that destroy China's claims. What was China's intention, and what was its rationale, for doing this?
Information disclosure needed
The food poisoning in China raises many questions, such as the extent of the damage and the amount of pesticide detected. Both the Japanese and Chinese governments have yet to give detailed explanations of the problem.
The gyoza problem has worried Japanese consumers and the impact on the domestic frozen food industry has been immeasurable. The image of Chinese foods has been tarnished the world over.
immeasurable=はかりしれない tarnished=曇らせる、変色させる、色あせる
The Foreign Ministry said China is investigating the food poisoning there and that China would officially inform Japan of its findings after the facts are confirmed. However, in light of the impact the food poisonings have had on Japan and China, it should swiftly disclose as much relevant information as it can.
Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, who is scheduled to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games on Friday, is expected to seek greater cooperation from Chinese authorities on the gyoza issue when he meets Chinese leaders, including President Hu Jintao. It is necessary for Fukuda to ask China about the progress of the investigation.
Investigation must get serious
Wariness about Chinese-made food has not abated in Japan, and this aversion has spread beyond frozen foods.
abated=勢いが衰える aversion=嫌悪、反感
If China from the start had been sincere about the problem by admitting its fault and apologizing for it, the current Japanese distrust toward Chinese-made foods would not be so strong.
An investigation by Japanese police found that extremely high concentrations of methamidophos were detected in the gyoza that caused the food poisonings in Japan. A pesticide toxicologist said surprisingly that this concentration could only be that high if the pesticide had been poured undiluted directly onto the gyoza.
toxicologist=毒物学者 undiluted=水で薄めていない
The Chinese Public Security Ministry has said the contamination did not happen during the production process or at other stages in China and that investigations into employees in the country could not find any suspects. We doubt the investigators seriously tackled the case.
The Chinese investigation got off to a bad start, but now it has a chance to conduct a serious investigation into the matter. Japan's technology, such as detailed ingredient analysis, might be helpful in this.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Aug. 7, 2008)
(2008年8月7日01時41分 読売新聞)